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To register your child at Shining Stars Family Daycare, you must complete the Registration Forms and return to Shay Meszaros, along with your registration cheque (deposit + registration fee).  Your child’s spot will only be held once I have received both.

Registration Information


First Day Checklist


Parents are responsible for supplying and keeping stocked several items for your child.  These supplies may be left at the Daycare (or sent daily in your child’s back pack) and will only used by your child.  All items must be clearly labeled with your child’s first name.  I will inform you when any of your supplies (i.e. diapers, sunscreen etc.) are running low (or if slippers no longer fit) and you will have one week to restock the item(s).


  • Full package of diapers/pull-ups

  • Wipes

  • Diaper cream

  • Full change of clothes (including socks and underwear) – kids sometimes get wet, dirty or have accidents during the day, therefore a full change of clothes is mandatory at all times.  If your child has a growth spurt, please remember to send new clothes to replace the ones at Daycare.

  • Sunscreen

  • Non-slip Slippers (optional)

  • Comfort item (if required i.e., pacifier, blanket, special stuffed animal or toy)

  • Earthquake Kit


Earthquake Kit


In the event of an earthquake all children are required to have a personal emergency survival kit.  This must be brought on your child’s first day and will be returned on their last.  Ensure that supplies are in a box and are clearly labeled with your child’s first and last name.  The kit must contain:


  • 1 litre bottle of water

  • Sleeve of juice boxes

  • Box of granola bars

  • Picture of Family with letter (optional – this is for comfort)

  • Glow stick

  • 3 cans of food (ravioli, beans, etc.)


Extra supplies will be kept on site such as extra water, crackers, cereal bars, apple sauce, candles, flashlights, can opener and garbage bags.


Daily Supply List


Please send your child with a backpack each day.  The child’s two snacks, lunch and seasonal items should all be labeled and placed in the backpack.  Any art work the child creates will be placed in the backpack for return home at the end of the day.


Seasonal Supply List


Additional weather appropriate clothing (swimsuit, snow pants, rain pants, mitts, hats, scarves, rain coats, winter coats, sunglasses, hats, etc.) must be provided.  Seasonal reminders will be sent to you accordingly.


Dress Code


There is a good possibility your child will get dirty throughout the day because of food, paint, markers, dirt, bubbles, etc. so please dress your child accordingly for play.  I am not responsible for replacing stained, damaged or soiled clothing.  You are welcome to send a bib or smock for your child if you wish.


Several of the playgrounds we attend have small rocks or wood chips which can easily get stuck in a child’s shoes if they are wearing sandals, crocks, flip flops, etc.  As such, on sunny, warm weather days, please also send a pair of runners (or other closed toe shoe) and socks with your child which they can wear when we are at the playground.

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