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Diaper Policy


It is the parent's responsibility to provide diapers, wipes, and diaper cream for your child. Please make sure to label the diaper package/box, wipes and cream so that mix-ups don’t occur. Parents will be notified when supplies are low and you will have one week to restock the item(s).


A Medical Authorization Consent to apply diaper cream must be completed and signed as part of the Registration Forms.


Diapers are checked frequently, and changed every three hours or more often if required. Diapers containing #2 are changed immediately.   


Toilet Training


I am more than happy to encourage potty training as long as the child is ready (typically between 2 and 3 years old). The initial start needs to be done at home for at least two weeks with success before it can be effectively started at Daycare. Parents will be required to supply pull-ups and wipes. Once you feel your child is ready to start using the toilet at Daycare, please let me know. If a child is not able to communicate when they need to use the toilet, I will have them sit on the toilet every hour for a couple of minutes to ‘try’ to go pee/poo.  Children will be allowed to come to Daycare in underwear after they have been accident free for at least two weeks.


Communication between parents and myself is imperative for a successful transition from diapers to toilet.  A complete change of clothing is always required at Daycare, including underwear.  In the event your child has an accident, they will changed immediately and the soiled clothing put into a plastic bag for you to clean at home.  If I determine the child is having frequent accidents and is not yet potty trained, you will be asked to go back to pull-ups or diapers.

Diapers / Toilet Training Policy

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