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Authorization for Pick-Up

Only the people listed on the Authorization For Pick-up Form (part of the registration package) will be permitted to pick-up a child.  Additionally, verbal permission by a parent must be granted before a child can be picked up by anyone on the Form.   Please inform me if you would like to add or delete people from the Form at any time. Please inform anyone picking up your child, that if I have not met them, I will require photo identification to ensure the safety of your child.


Late Pick-ups

In the event of running a few minutes late, please phone me prior to closing stating what time you are expected to arrive. If your child is picked up after 5:15pm there will be a late charge assessed of $1.00 for every one minute. Late fees must be paid upon arrival at Shining Stars Family Daycare the following business day.  Please be courteous and arrive on time. After hours is time with our family.  If your child is still at the Daycare at 6:00pm and if both parents and your emergency contacts cannot be reached the Ministry for Children and Family Development will be contacted to pick-up your child.



Pick-up Policy

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