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Sick Children


For the health and safety of your child and all of the children in my Daycare, please do not bring your child to Daycare sick. In which case I in turn may become sick making it difficult to care for the children. I can only care for children with mild cold like symptoms that are otherwise feeling and acting well. Mild cold like symptoms are clear runny nose, slight cough, and a slight or no fever. If you are not sure if your child should be brought to Daycare, then please call and check with me. If a child becomes ill during Daycare hours, the parents will be contacted to pick up their child. Parents need to pick up their children within two hours of being notified. If parents are not available, the emergency contact person will be notified.


Once the child is removed from Daycare due to illness, they may not return to Daycare until symptoms requiring removal are no longer present. The child must also be void of any contagious disease, unless accompanied by a doctor's note stating the illness in question is not contagious, and the child is otherwise feeling well enough to participate in our daily schedule.


Notifying Daycare in the Event of Illness


The Parent must provide notice by 8am if a child is going to be absent from Daycare.  You are welcome to send a text message or email if it is late at night or early in the morning.  


Daycare Operator Illness


Although I will make every effort to be available each day, there will be occasions when I am not able to provide service.  You will be notified as soon as possible of any personal or family illness, funeral or emergency.  No payment of fees will be expected on days that the Daycare is closed.  




At Shining Stars Family Daycare I do not give medications to children without a signed Medication Authorization Form. If your child needs to be medicated in order to get through the day, and be able to comfortably participate in our classroom activities, then it is quite possible he or she may be too sick to attend Daycare. If your child has been prescribed medications, and of course given that they are no longer contagious, you will need to complete and sign a Medication Authorization Form upon arrival at Shining Stars Family Daycare.  All medications brought to Daycare must be given directly to me at drop-off. Do not send medication in your child’s backpack without informing me.  This includes puffers for asthma or allergy medications.


Medical and Dental Emergency Policies


Emergency information is kept on file at Daycare. In case of illness or injury this information will be used to notify you or the person designated by you, of your child's status. If your child is injured while at the Daycare, first aid will be administered. If treatment by a doctor is necessary, I will make every effort to contact you or the doctor you have chosen to treat your child. In all cases, an injury report is completed, and a copy is given to the parents. Parents much complete and sign a Medical Emergency Consent (which is part of the registration package) at the time of enrollment to ensure that in the event of an emergency, we can make sure your child receives the necessary emergency treatment he or she needs. It is very important that all emergency contact information is kept up to date and correct. Please inform me immediately of any changes to keep your information current. Parents are responsible for all costs involved in emergency medical treatment, including emergency transportation if required.




On summer and other hot days, children must have sunscreen on any time they are outside.  Please apply sunscreen on your child before dropping them off.  In addition, please send a supply of sunscreen with your child’s name on the bottle and I will reapply throughout the day. A medical authorization consent to apply sunscreen must be completed and signed as part of your Registration Forms.



Health & Wellness Policies

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