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Daily Activities

This schedule is meant to give you an idea of your child's day. Actual times and activities may vary depending on time of the year, weather, age, drop-off times and temperament of the children. Age appropriate activities are scheduled with the flexibility allowed to respond to the needs of each individual child and their various ages.  We will always incorporate music, crafts, stories, fine motor activities, gross motor activities, dramatic play, free play and (weather permitting) outdoor play. Each week we will discuss a new theme at Daycare. Activities throughout the week will be centered around the weekly theme. Past themes have included (circus, princesses, pirates, farm, bugs, pets, community helpers, weather, and more). Parents will receive a monthly calendar briefly describing the themes and activities your children will be participating in each month. To find out more about what your child is learning each week, check out my Facebook Page.

*      Arrival home will vary depending on the number of school drop-offs, day of the week and month of the year.
**    Free play may be indoors and/or outdoors depending on the weather. It may also include a field trip (park, library, pet store, etc.). 






















Daycare Open / Colouring, Books, Puzzles

Leave for School Drop-off

Arrive Home* / Free Play

Circle Time (weather, calendar, colours, shapes, letters, numbers, music, discuss theme of the week, stories, show & tell)

Snack Time

Math / Science

Free Play


Arts & Crafts

Quiet Activities

Story Time

Leave for School Pick-Up

Free Play **

Snack Time

Group Games

Story Time

Daycare is Closed

Show & Tell


Each week children will participate in Show and Tell during circle time.  This is an opportunity for children to share one of their favourite toys from home.  Show and Tell toys must be labeled with your child’s name to ensure that no mix-ups occur.  Children will be asked to tell us three things about their toy and we will ask them questions as well.  After Show and Tell, toys will be returned the your child’s backpack for safe keeping until home time.  If for any reason your child forgets to bring an item for Show and Tell, they will be given the opportunity to pick a favourite toy from the Daycare to use as their Show and Tell toy. No child will ever be left out. You will be notified, prior to your first day of Daycare, what day your child has Show and Tell.


Special Helper


Each child will be assigned a day in which they will be the Special Helper. The Special Helper will assist with circle time and go first for any activities which involve taking turns (playing games, show & tell, being in line) etc.  You will be notified, prior to your first day of Daycare, what day your child is the Special Helper.


Personal Toys


With the exception of a comfort toy and Show & Tell days, your child should not bring toys from home to Daycare.  This is to ensure that damage or loss does not occur to your child’s treasured possessions.  If a child does bring a toy from home to Daycare, they are more than welcome to show me when they arrive and then the item will be returned to the child’s backpack until the end of the day for safe keeping.

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